In a world that increasingly revolves around indoor activities and screens, we often neglect one of nature's most crucial gifts - daylight. We don’t neglect it when it comes to our plants but why can’t we see all the health benefits daylight gives ourselves?
Both for our mental and physical well-being, good light (daylight or light that mimics daylight) has a lot of benefits. Not only does daylight help regulate our circadian rhythm and boost our mood, but it also plays a critical role in maintaining our overall health.
We need the right light at the right time, and our new guide explains this in detail.
What kind of outdoor and indoor light exposure you should have per moment of the day.
Three simple and effective steps to live happier and healthier.
The 20-20-2 rule, a rule for a healthy lifestyle when you work indoors and with screens.
More info in our guide, download the full guide now on our download page