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Case Novadic Kentron V2024-1 ENG.jpg

Novadic Kentron

By Rofianda

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About Novadic Kentron

Novadic Kentron - NK for short - is a Brabant-based or-ganization focused on addiction care and addiction me-dicine. The with loyal, professional and committed em-ployees of this dynamic organization, always use a per-sonal approach. Treaters are close to the client; whether it is prevention, short-term or specialist treatment or intensive care and counseling. As of August 21, 2019, Novadic-Kentron is part of the Zorg van de Zaak network. 

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The challenge

People with addictions who come to NK to get rid of them and take back control of their lives are sensitive and vulnerable. To maximally support all the processes in the body and head, they should stay in the most natural environment possible, and that means: outside in the sunlight. In practice, this is not possible and clients stay in an indoor environment with too little daylight. A missed opportunity because it is precisely the sunlight spectrum that has a beneficial influence on the entire human constitution and self-healing ability. Daylight makes people more active, produc-tive, positive and stronger to resist problems such as addiction. Says Heino, "Coming from the 'lighting' profession myself, I know how important sunlight is for my clients. It's not just about the high color temperature of 5200 K that comes with daylight, but also the progression of the light spectrum throughout the day. From the morning red to the evening blue. In addition, the angle at which the light strikes the eye is important. But how do you realize this so-called circadian lighting?

The solution

There are two aspects to the question. The first is mimicking a natural course of daylight. The se-cond is irradiation at the right angle into the eye. For the first issue, Rofianda suggested installing "full spectrum sunlight LEDs. This is LED lighting that can emit the entire sunlight spectrum wit-hout the classic blue "peaks" and green light deficits associated with standard LED. These lights are available in two versions. The version with a color temperature of 2700 K that is equivalent to morning light and the 5200 K version that actually emits the all-white light during the day. The second issue was completed by Rofianda by having a spherical opal plate made. This allows the light to shine into the eye with the desired 60°. It constitutes the right alternative to standard LED lighting where droplet-shaped prisms are often used for the appearance that give a less opti-mal appearance of 70°.


With the installation of circadian lighting in the living room, NK has created an environment for its clients with a natural daylight gradient. In the morning, lighting of 2700 K is used so clients can wake up calmly. Then the red component is reduced and gradually switched to the white light of 5200 K. This makes clients more active and allows them to begin their day's activities. During din-ner, the caregivers choose to make the lighting quieter after which the afternoon offers plenty of room for activity again. Heino de Heijde: "We optimized as many details as possible. For example, we also researched the best driver. Neurosurgeons who visited the living room were genuinely enthusiastic about this 'fantastic room'. And I no less. And we notice the effect: our clients are calmer and can thus use their energy better for their recovery."

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