Working from home in biological darkness
Why does the pleasant vacation feeling disappear so quickly?
Luger Research new Participant of the Good Light Group
Medilux new Participant of the Good Light Group
Novalogy (AYO) new Participant of the Good Light Group
Fluxplus new Participant of the Good Light Group
GL OPTIC new Participant of the Good Light Group
LYS technologies new Participant of the Good Light Group
Good light indoors is the future of lighting
New tool to calculate Optimized Light
Tips to improve the regularity of daily routines, even when nothing about your life feels regular!
Working from home? Take care you see enough daylight
The sun as “Zeitgeber”
Bregenz conference cancelled
Marijke Gordijn in the NRC newspaper
Eindhoven University of Technology becomes Participant of the Good Light Group
First Participant Council meeting
20 Trends in Lighting 2020 Marijke Gordijn
Let there be light, are we living in biological darkness?
A large part of Dutch population do not get enough light: an enormous effect on our health